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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Yes, Yes I did, I dug through someone's left overs, they left on the curb

On my way out taking the trash someone placed a box of stuff out on the curb and I went through it and found TREASURE
Some of the stuff this person was throwing out I found good use for, I was like, "SCORE!! Yeah!!"
I picked out a rice spoon, a champagne glass (I'm hoping to somehow get another one and do something special for shane.), (in the doorway in the picture on the right) these 2 silver poles that have hooks on each end so that you can secure them on something and at the other end the hooks hold another silver pole and I thought..."hello?? STORAGE! when we have a garage I can secure it from the ceiling and hang stuff on it like electrical cords."

Last, the best treasure of it all... a 48oz glass pitcher. It's not a regular pitcher with a handle it looks like a wine pitcher, you know? The kind that is shaped with a wide barrell at the bottom and a neck descending to the top. When I pulled it out of the box I thought to myself that it would be perfect for fresh squeezed orange juice.

So we went to Costco tonight and I buy a box of oranges (33 oranges) for $11.47 (I'm price conscious now) and i squeeze the first one and it was about .0004 of 1/4th of a cup. It's not much juice. So 30 oranges later I got a full 48oz's of organic fresh squeezed orange juice in my brand new used pitcher.

Honestly, my"bright" idea was not worth the time that I put into squeezing those stinking oranges plus the cost of the oranges.

 I was kinda bummbed because buying organic or buying from the corporations is a lose-lose deal. Either you spend a heck of a lot of money to buy something fresh and organic (these stupid oranges weren't even local, they were from South Africa. Stupid import/exports) Or you give in to the chemical producing corporations that put a bunch of sugar and crap in their orange juice in order to mass produce and make even more billions of dollars off of us little meager consumers. 
What can you do??


  1. Oh, well I would have been more impressed if you'd picked the oranges from a tree for free.

  2. I try to stick to organic/natural, because the extra money today doesn't compare to the medical bills that you may incurr from the processed/chemical ridden foods.
    Do the best you can with what you got!
