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Friday, September 17, 2010

Filtered Water Facets/Pitchers vs. Bottled water/Water delivery

According to our own personal calculations we bought the generic brand of about  < 3-4 boxes >   of bottled water a month estimating at around   <  $4.65  > a box.
Math: 3 (boxes) x $4.65 (per box) = $13.95 or 4(boxes) x $4.65 (per box) = $18.60 per month THEN $18.60 (per month) x 12 months = $223.20 a year

If you pay for delivery water for $35.00 a month the math is $35.00 x 12 months = $420.00 a year

But if you replaced this water for filtered facet or pitchers by PUR or Brita or whoever
Here's how much you can WIN!!
I bought my PUR water filter at Costco with a coupon for $28.99. Now, it's not a one time payment to own and maintain these water filters. Every 2-3 months depending on the # of people in your household you must change the filters on these things. At Costco your device comes with 2 filters for free. Then a regular package comes with 2 replaceable filters at $28.99.
The filters are to be replaced every three months. Since the device comes with 2 filters you're covered for 6 months. $28.99 = 6 months
Then you'll need to buy the replaceable filters (2 per box) which cost $28.99 at Costco and that will take care of another 6 months (3 months per filter).

So here's the MATH:

$28.99(every 6 months) x 2(x's per year) = $57.98 a year

Bottled Water Example:
So then I take $223.20  - $57.98 = $165.22 a year in savings!

Now if we take the Delivery water example at $420.00 a year
$420.00 - $57.98 = $362.02

That's an extra $362.02 you didn't know you had that you can put to something else!! YAY!
Switch to Water filters!! Now!


  1. Tnanks Ericka...now i have to show this to auggie so he can see how we can save $$$ and be able to keep direct TV

  2. YES, good idea! and tell him to become a follower too. and leave a comment, and to vote on the right

  3. We use Brita and we have saved lots of money on water. I was thinking of using the Jar method you two are doing... but the thought of drinking out of a pickle jar kinda grosses me out. But who know's... congrats!- Joann

  4. Drinking out of a pickle jar is not everyone's preference but the idea was if u don't have the means right now to buy what u need be creative and see what can temporarily be of substitute.

  5. Very true. Like with anything I start whether it's a new diet or a new workout or a new hobby the first thing I think i need to do is go shopping for the new food, new gear or new supplies. I need to remember to call you for advice the next time I start with a new obsession.

  6. Ericka & Shane, you guys are awesome! I read the book and thought, "we should do this". And we did, for a while. But now we are back to our old ways. Your blog makes me want to read his book and start again! Thank you! Debbie P.

  7. yay!!! i'm so glad it does!!! THat is super exciting!!! It's taking me a while to post my next blog because i'm trying to explain HOW the Zero Balance BUDGET works! So it's soon to be released
