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Saturday, September 25, 2010

About My Blog in a Nutshell

Dave Ramsey is our man! He doesn't believe in debt. He was super wealthy at 26 years old,    
   net worth 4 million but he had loans, credit cards, everything that led him to bankruptcy. 
    He and his wife struggled so hard to get back on their feet they decided to never be at the 
    mercy of these debt providers, and loan suppliers. He says that credit scores should be called debt scores. It doesn't matter how much money you make, your FICO score and credit card report are all about how well you can manage debt. These credit card companies have gotten so good at brainwashing you to think that it's normal to have debt making you want their debt cards. Everyone thinks it's normal to take out student loans, loans for cars, but it's not true. YOU MUST BE IN DEBT IN ORDER TO BE APPROVED in this world. We say, NO THANK-YOU!! Shane and Ericka will not PLAY THEIR GAME!! It's a major scam and we are so grateful to be taught by Dave Ramsey not to owe these people money because when you do, you are a SLAVE TO THE LENDER. We are practicing to buy absolutely everything in cash, how to save up money to make it grow through investments and mutual funds in order to purchase everything we could ever want in CASH!
     Our goal is not anything extravagant or charitable, we just want to be rich and take vacations, live in a nice house, drive nice cars, take care of our parents, retire early, and just live a comfortable life in San Diego, CA.       THE END


  1. I couldn't have said it any better myself. However, in behalf of Ericka and myself, I'd like to add that we believe in the great promise of tithes and offerings which is always the first thing listed on our budget sheet. We've been blessed with Dave Ramsey's tools and our desire/will to use them. I don't think our new budget system would work out to its full potential without the gift of tithes/offerings.

  2. How was I so blessed to have such wonderful children. I can learn so much from you. We are on our way. If we "play our cards right" we could be completely out of debt in 7 years (house and all). Of course we will almost be 70 by then so there won't be much retirement put away. We still need to understand the game better so that we can have a life in our later years. You are an amazing inspiration.
