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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tons to Write about.. This one is about the Sexy wheels we bought

Because I am now 5 weeks into the course and have just started to write about it I have so much to talk about and I don't want to leave anything out!!!!

Let's start with a major financial decision #1 that we made before taking the course. 

Dave is really funny and mostly everybody on the his radio show who call in for advice about their delinguent finances do so because they bought a car that is bigger than they can chew (you know what I mean). Dave is like, "Sell the car, sell the car, sell the car," So I've learned that the average car payment in the U.S. is $464.00 per month and Dave teaches why not save that money for 10 months and you can buy yourself a $4,600 car in CASH! No loans, no financing, no INTEREST payments. 

Then why doesn't everyone do that?? It's because no one wants to drive a $4,600.00 dollar car! Ok but what if you took that "risk" of paying for a car in cash, not borrwoing from the bank or financing with the dealer and drove around debt free for 10 more months still putting away that $464.00? Well what would happen is you'd be able to trade in or sell your $4,600.00 car for almost the same amount of cash and upgrade to a $9,000.00 car and you're still debt free! Then you do it again for another 10 months and again and again until you get the car you want. 

If you did this for 3 years and 10 months you could buy a $26,000 car in CASH!! DEBT FREE! Only if you're willing to sacrifice driving around for 10 months in an ugly $4,600.00 car. Knowing us southern shallow californians it is a sacrifice to be seen in an ugly car. 

(A little Side note: I thought of all this before I took the Dave Ramsey class just FYI)
In Virginia Shane and I couldn't survive on just one car. We had about 6,000 saved up and Shane earned a 10,000 bonus for graduating from A-School and we planned to use that money to buy us a brand new '09 Honda Pilot.
But, we needed a car right now, and we still had to wait for the bonus to come in. So then I thought.... "well, we'd only be driving it for 8 months, until we move from Virginia, and In San Diego it's just going to be sitting there while the insurance company collects free money since we wouldn't be driving it because San Diego's transportation system rocks! Yeah, it really doesn't make sense to purchase something that does not increase in value and will drain us of our hard earned savings.
So why don't we buy a really cheap car to have really cheap insurance and then get our money back by selling it when we leave Virginia? It's like renting a car for 8 months except we get 80% of our money back and then we can spend the 16,000 on VACATIONS!!! WHOOOO HOOO" 

Lucky us we found our beauty, a '98 Hyundai Accent that goes from 0-55 in like 45 seconds. We love to see everyone drive around us with a ticked off look on their faces because they think we're driving that slow on purpose. It's loaded with MANUAL windows and MANUAL car locks. 


  1. I love this. You guys are teaching me so much! I love it! I love it! I love it! You two are so smart!

    P.S - did you mean MANUAL? just thought that your car was loaded with a guy named Manuel that they threw in. haha. :D

  2. hahaha! Ben that is so funny, I made this same mistake before and shane made fun of me for not being able to spell. I do mean MANUAL

  3. Ericka, you could have just corrected the spelling without commenting about it so that the rest of the people who logged in would think that Ben was insane instead of thinking you're a bad speller. FYI for next time.

  4. That had me laughing out loud for sure. It reminded me of (how many clunkers did we go through?) Remember how we would all lean back and forward together to try to jerk the car forward to make it go a little faster? Yup, 35 max uphill in a used Volkswagon Rabbit, or was it the Geo? I'm so proud of you two for making such wise decisions.

  5. I think I liked this one the best. Your thinking saved you guys tons. I love how perfect if fits your situation. Because I was thinking, I always had cheap cars, free of debt. Great right? Well they were unreliable and I had to buy parts here and there and...old cars can give you headaches! But if you are only using it for a year... genius. Good decision making. ;)
