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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Goodwill Hunting

 I'm not talking about the movie, I'm talking about selectively looking for useful things at the Goodwill thrift store.
Today after work I ran some errands like going to the cleaners, grocery store, sewing store (to replace a piece on my machine), and I decided to stop at the Goodwill to see if I could find the items in my  list of short term stuff (located in the column I have over on the right). I was looking for loaf pans, pie slicer, or a fruit cutting board. TWO HOURS later....... I'm still at the store in the kitchen Isle talking myself out of buying things I know are not critically neccessary. I was thinking......."We need these little plates because ours are too big therefore not ideal to use for dessert". Although I bought all kinds of interesting stuff, I managed to find ONE item on my list which was the loaf pan.
Don't forget, I use the envelope system and I pulled out money that I had in my envelopes in order to purchase these items. Click Here to learn about the envelope system 
Envelope Houseware: I bought my loaf glass $2.25 and a magazine holder $2.25 (I'm really up-tight about having a place for everything, and now that Shane is recieving Surf magazines, they're everywhere making the house look unorganized. So I found a cute little basket to be their new home.)
Envelope Gifts (including Christmas): Oh yeah, we have an envelope for Christmas so it doesn't sneak up on us and wipe out our checking account. We estimated about $1,080.00 for gifts and christmas so about $90.00 a month. Plus how can we afford Christmas when around that same time of year the city wants their Property tax money? I say we should all move to Florida because I heard they don't pay city taxes. In the picture I have stocking hooks @ $.87 each, Christmas and Halloween wreaths at $2.25 each, snowmen candle holders @ $2.25
Envelope Blow Money: This envelope is for miscellaneous items that you don't prepare for in your budget. For some parents it could be soccor pictures. In our case it could be books for leisure  or Softball team fees. Today I just bought miscellaneous items for the house. Here I purchased a beautiful ceramic cream leaf vase @ $8.25 It wasn't something I needed but I wanted to replace this ugly green vase I was using before. 

I bought this cute serving platter $4.25 to replace my cheap yellow plastic one. 

I also bought this gold picture frame because most of the ones we have are the same style and colors. I plan to regift one of those picture frames.
Last I got this gift $2.25 for my friend Becky becuase she shops at Wal-mart and I thought it was really cute. Now if you're wondering why I didn't place this in the Gift Envelope it's because it's not for her birthday, or christmas gift it was a "being goofy" gift. It would be a great white elephant gift too.


  1. Normally a day like this where your wife goes out and buys a bunch of cra-, err, items that you may not agree with 100% would normally make me ask myself, "what was she thinking? I might as well have bought a bunch of video games with that money!" But instead I feel at ease knowing that this money at least was budgeted for stuff like this. It also helps a ton knowing that we still have money left in these envelopes so the money spent today just didn't go into the "black hole" of spending.

  2. This is fantastic. I loved the pictures that went with the purchases. What a great team you guys are. Keep it up.

  3. Ha Ha, funny comment Shane! And so true. I think its so cool that Erika found some of the things you needed for way cheap and perfectly good.

  4. You call it cr*p but you men know that these female touches is what makes your house a home.

    When Christmas time comes and the holiday decor is up you will feel all warm and cozy inside.

    How does a video game enhance your home life?

  5. I love my gift. It makes me smile when I see it and I think, "what a great, fun friend I have." Thanks Ericka!!

  6. Your blog is one of my new favorites! I just read all of your posts and I am looking forward to more. A few questions:
    1. How do you budget for those items on the right? Do you just carry over the envelope amounts from the previous month until you have enough?
    2. What is the title of the Dave Ramsey CD/book set you bought? Do you have a link? Are you still attending a class or just going through the workbooks and CD's you have?
    3. Are you guys vegetarians or vegans- no meat, dairy, eggs, fish? (I noticed you said you had to pick out the meat from your soup)

    Love you guys! I am going to budget for a trip to see you in the spring- for the Cherry Blossom Festival time.

    Christmas budget means that you are coming out to CA, right? Let me know as soon as you purchase your tickets so that I can plan my trip around yours.

    Let's Skype soon, or at least talk- sorry I haven't called you back yet Shane. Love you. :)
