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Monday, April 18, 2011

We Got Screwed Over Big Time

I had spoken too soon. We were hit with a huge emergency two weeks ago. There was a flood in our condo due to a clogged toilet and the tank was continuously running. The flood was so major it leaked into the car garage below. We were not very happy with how casual our property manager was handling everything. We were notified first by the HOA manager when you would think the tenants would have called our property manager straight away to get a plumber to stop the leak. How could they have let this leak go on so long that it flooded into the garage downstairs??? We were pretty frustrated that we didn't get any information on this catastrophe for another two days. When we finally got an answer from our property manager she didn't have any definite answers she still didn't know why or how the leak started, she didn't stop by to inspect what was damaged, she told us not to worry that the floors are wood anyway. YEAH, FAKE wood! Ugh we were so upset that this lady was taking everything so lightly, we didn't get our insurance adjuster out there until the weekend and by that time every square inch of the living room and hallway were damaged including the walls. Some of the bedrooms and kitchen were damaged. The company that needs to dry out the apartment is barely coming today, a whole two weeks later from the date of the flood. All in all the entire cost of the damages came out to $5,700.00. We do have insurance but it is still not good news because they will only cover up to $5,000.00.

We're going to have to pull from our emergency fund for the $700.00 and I am trying to figure out if the tenants are responsible for this flood because according to the plumber's report it is unknown why the toilet was clogged but it did say that the toilet water was running, so does that make it their fault? We don't have a buddy-buddy relationship with our P.M. and since the liability is blurred I fear she will side with the tenants and tell us it is our responsibility.
We are also not clear if the $5,700.00 estimate covers to replace the damages. Wow, I'm starting to get anxiety over the idea of how many thousands of dollars more we are unaware of.

On top of this financial crisis we are so super stressed about our move to San Diego that is coming up. Everything is happening the first week of May. I have finals, it's Shane's birthday, the mover's are scheduled to come, we've got to clean the apartment for inspection, pack our personal things, and that weekend is my flight home. I'll be glad when its all over.
On the bright side we did score a free crib, the Coast Guard is handling our move by packing everything for us while we watch and delegate. This weekend is "party" weekend ;) starting Thursday night we're going to a farewell for a kid at church who's going on a mission, Friday night is my baby shower, and on Saturday is our friend's kids birthday so I am definitely looking forward to hanging out, laughing, and eating some junk food.

Tuesday April 19th 2011
 Yesterday after I wrote this post I came home and my husband had spoken with our insurance adjuster about how we were trying to comprehend our policy. From what we understand our policy covers up to $5,000.00 of flood damages and since our total estimate is $5,700.00 we told her we were really worried if that covered replacement and labor. Then she told him not to worry, everything is being covered, Everything. I was so relieved when Shane told me but he still didn't get a clear answer as to why our policy says they will only cover up to 5 grand if they are covering a bit more? So once again I am a super happy camper, although I wish I could be there to pick out new wall colors and floor pergo.


  1. Oh Ericka! I'm so sorry that happened. How awful! I hope the PM will treat you right. That's ridiculous! I'm glad you got a free crib! That's Sweet!

  2. How horrible that the flood happened. Ugh...such added stress. I hope everything works out with the insurance!
