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Friday, March 11, 2011

Turned in the Garage

This month in our attempts to live a frugal life we turned in the gargae we were renting.  For $125.00 a month we rented a garage from the apt. complex where we stored our outdoor equipment like bikes, snowboards, surfboards, car stuff, and kept our cars safe from the summer heat and the icy winter. We got rid of it for the extra cash because the renters in our San Diego property moved out and we had to quickly find new tennants but at a lower rent rate.
I guess it was a luxury that we didn't really need, but it was nice to not have a frozen car in the mornings, and a designated parking spot close to our apartment in case all the public parking spots were taken. We also liked that our home wasn't cluttered with our outdoor equipment. Now we have a random bike in our bedroom that serves as a clothes rack, a tasteful decor of snowboards above our kitchen cubboards that don't look tacky at all (sarcasm), and a couple of cardboard boxes sprinkled here and there.

1 comment:

  1. You'll find a way to work that stuff into your regular decor, you have a great knack for that!

    Besides, I loved seeing that surfboard in your apartment in Petaluma because it always gave me the urge to grab it and run outside with it and start paddling into the surf. Even though we were miles and miles from the beach, I could practically feel the sand in my toes.

    See? It's all about perspective.
